artist statement

My abstract/narrative work goes beyond what people think of as artwork. It takes inspiration from spaces: California open-space and pyschological space of the mind. I’m concerned with contrasts, as I juxtapose opposites, rendering rorsharch like forms in watery paint with childlike rendered images, pairing round shapes with angular ones, and placing hard edges across soft blurred lines.

I often animate my paintings and drawings with characters of my design—non-gendered “parahumans” who are hybrid animal/human characters. Against the abstract background, these forms express an inner world, a “bare” emotional state exist that doesn’t identify with social norms

 My process is fluid. I start without a plan or goal, just a feeling of inspiration. I don’t always know what is going on, it seems like I’m trying to make something out of somethings.

 My intention is to invite the viewer into a multi-layered state of absorption , where they become awake and engaged.


